September 2018

5 Tips To Improve Efficiency When Working From Home

September 30, 2018

Working from home is a different kind of animal. There is nobody standing over your cubicle monitoring your every move telling you what to do. There is no water cooler talk and nobody to have lunch with. For as many people who find working from home efficient and enjoyable, there are many who struggle staying […]

5 People Every New Landlord Should Have On Call

September 17, 2018

Owning a rental property is full of ups and downs. One day you are collecting checks and loving life. The next you are saddled with a slew of maintenance requests and tenant problems. You may go months without hearing from a tenant and then in the matter of days face three potential issues. Instead of […]

5 Inexpensive Ways To Find New Deals

September 7, 2018

All real estate investors are on the hunt for new deals. Regardless of what you have going on or how many deals you are working on, it is important to constantly fill your pipeline with fresh leads. The more leads you have the greater chance you will turn one of them into an actual deal. […]