5 Qualities Of A Successful Email Campaign
By JD Esajian on March 22, 2019
There are truly dozens of ways to market your business and build your pipeline. Between social media campaigns, networking meetings and website development there is a niche for everyone. The key is to find something that works for you and stick with it.
A great niche for generating leads are email campaigns. These are targeted campaigns for attorneys, wholesalers, fellow investors and distressed homeowners. Instead of cold-calling you simply send weekly emails. If done correctly, you will get the response you are looking for and at that point it is up to you to take it from there. However, simply sending emails does not work. There are several different areas that must be tightened up to get the success you desire. Here are five tips to any successful email campaign.
- Consistency: Regardless of the type of marketing you are doing it is essential to stay consistent. This is especially the case with emails. People like to work with people they know and are comfortable with. You gain that credibility staying consistent and constantly sending your emails, regardless of the response. The thing with emails is that you don’t know how to quantify your success. Sure, you can see the open rate and may be able to track who opts out, but you don’t know who reads an email and doesn’t reach out. You need to send out emails weekly for a specific period, usually at least six months. After the six months are over you can evaluate what needs to be tweaked and what you should change. There will be plenty of times when you feel like your campaign isn’t working and you wonder why you are doing it. If you stop without giving it a chance you will never know what success you could have. Stay consistent with your emails regardless of whatever else you are doing.
- Catchy Subject Line: If you are selling a home, you know the importance of a good first impression. The same is the case with an email campaign. What you put on the subject line often makes all the difference between blindly deleting the email and opening it. Your subject line can either be a leading question, an exclamatory statement or something amusing that prompts action. It is ok to be a little bit outlandish and put yourself out there. The alternative is a generic line that will quickly be discarded. You can have the best content and some great information in the body of the email, but if the reader is turned off by the subject line, it won’t make a difference. Think of some of the email campaigns you receive and what interests you. There is a good chance that the only ones you open are the ones with catchy subject lines. It cannot be overstated just how critical a good subject line really is. Take more time on the subject than you do on the email itself.
- Small, Concise Sentences: There is a distinction in an email you send to a friend and an email you send to generate business. To a business association you can use long sentences and have more time to get your point across. With a marketing email, you need to be short and sweet. You can’t set the email up in a normal paragraph style. You are better off having only a few emails in each sentence or breaking them up with bullet points. The less content you have the better. You only have a few seconds to attract attention and get your point across. You want the reader to go through the email quickly and leave with a positive impression of you. Don’t be afraid to construct the email to your personality. If you have a sense of humor, it is ok to use it. The goal is to get the reader to respond. However you do that is up to you.
- Call To Action: As we stated, the goal of your email is to prompt the reader to act. It is absolutely essential that you end your emails with a call to action. Ask them a leading question about why they would want to work with you and follow up with a specific time and date to meet. Ask them if they would like to grab a cup of coffee or if they would prefer a happy hour drink. If you make it specific they are much more likely to act. At your meeting you can get into the nuts and bolts of why they would work with you. This doesn’t happen unless you have a big finish to your email that gets them motivated to reach out to you.
- Respond: There are several websites where you can put your email campaign on autopilot. They will either send it out automatically or you can input the material and they handle it from there. You truly may not even know when your emails go out. It is important to be able to respond to every call, text or email. Don’t wait for the right time to craft a perfect response to an email. The quicker you get back to someone the better chance they will want to work with you. If you don’t respond you might as well not even continue with the campaign.
Email is a great way to get your name and business out to multiple people at once. If treated the right way and with the right execution it will provide the success you desire.