Real Estate Businesses Can Benefit From The Simple Things

By on December 23, 2013
Real estate partner

With all of the improvements to technology, it is surprising that sometimes the most effective things you can do will be the simplest. What many new investors don’t realize is that simply declaring you want to be an investor will not get you any business. You have to take steps every day to build your business, much like you would anything else. Instead of deciding which apps will be the most time efficient or where you want to set up your office, you should focus on what small steps you are going to take to build a sustainable business.

The first thing you need to realize when entering the investing world is that things do not happen overnight. That being said, if you make the commitment to do something every day, you will quickly see improvement and growth. The concept of building anything takes time. From a house to relationships and even a successful business, building is a process. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were many successful investing businesses. The most successful ones realized that there was not going to be a magic switch they could turn on and deals will just fall on their lap. They need to get out there and slowly develop their business.

It is always amazing to hear the constant little things that derail relationships. Things like returning phone calls, responding to emails, making complete and legible offers and just showing up to investment club meetings doesn’t seem like it should be that difficult, but for many investors it is. There is nothing that can end a relationship quicker than not returning a phone call in a prompt fashion. Even if the news is bad or if you have no news at all, people will respect and appreciate the simple step of returning a phone call quickly. What usually amounts to a two minute conversation can strengthen or ruin a relationship.

You can set any goals you want and plan any systems you like, but without committing to taking action, nothing will get accomplished. The best way to achieve this action is by setting up simple steps you can do every day. Most people will make a resolution at New Years to lose weight or change a habit, but by February it is a distant memory. It is not because they don’t want to change or don’t know how, it is because they want it all at once and usually fail to see much progress quickly enough. If they set their goal to lose just a pound or two a week, after a month they will see real results without the excessive struggle. The same concept should be applied to your business. You should take small steps such as sitting with one new contact every week or setting up a new marketing plan every month. Building business is a marathon and not a sprint and has to be viewed that way.

There are many great technological advances that can make your business much easier. When all is said and done, it is still the simple things that you can do every day that will have the greatest impact on your business. Don’t forget the little things on your way to chasing your goals.

